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Our Classes
New Parents Circle
with Ellen Kunkle

Come together to share the story of your parenting journey and receive support and inspiration from other new parents.
Discussion topics include sleep, feeding, nurturing yourself, and relationship changes. This group is flexible to address your own needs and concerns. This group is facilitated by a childbirth educator who is also a trained doula and breastfeeding counselor.
This group meets in person (with a hybrid Zoom option, too) at the MaineHealth Medical Building, 5 Bucknam Rd, Falmouth. (Ground floor, lots of parking!)
This group meets every Thursday morning from 10am - 12pm. Please register here. When you register you will receive the zoom link to log in.
The group is free but registration is required. Join anytime throughout the year. New members are always welcome!
Breastfeeding Support Group (2025)
with Brooke Cottman

This free peer support group is a great opportunity to meet other new breastfeeding parents in your community, share experiences, and receive postpartum and newborn care information and support. A lactation consultant facilitates the group and can answer your questions.
Please register here to receive log-in or call-in information for this weekly group which meets on Tuesdays 9:30am - 11:30am.
This group meets in person (with a hybrid Zoom option, too) at the MaineHealth Medical Building, 5 Bucknam Rd, Falmouth. (Ground floor, lots of parking!)
FREE but registration is required to receive Zoom info. Join anytime throughout the year. New members are always welcome!
Tour of the Family Birth Center (2025)

PLEASE NOTE: This fee is non-refundable. You do not need a separate registration for your partner. One registration is good for 2 people.
* There is always a chance that all of the rooms are full and we are unable to view one
*Please be sure to register for 1 tour only to ensure that there is room for everyone who would like to attend a tour. Do not register for multiple tours, thank you!
After you are registered you will receive details of where to meet, etc. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you soon!
*Please note for our Winter tours: If the weather forecasts unsafe driving conditions, the tour will be cancelled. Be sure to check your email! We will do our best to reschedule you tour. If where you are coming from has bad weather, please reschedule a tour with us!
Expecting Multiples (2025)
with Certified Educator

The registration fee includes costs for the registrant and one support person. To avoid duplicate charges, please register only ONE participant per class. A receipt will be provided for insurance reimbursement purposes. Reimbursement is subject to individual insurance plans, refer to your plan for additional information.
If you cannot afford the registration fee due to financial hardship, please contact childbirth education at
Rescheduling or canceling your class registration can be done by contacting Refunds for class cancelations include a 10% processing fee. No refunds will be given after class begins.
Couples expecting more than one baby will receive information specific to multiple pregnancy, birth, and parenting. Early participation in this class is advised (before 30 weeks gestation). If this is your first pregnancy, participation in one of our childbirth education classes is also strongly encouraged.
We recommend attending this class between the 24th and 28th week of pregnancy.
We are offering this class online. After you are registered, shortly before the class starts you will receive an email with information as to how to participate in the class. Thank you for understanding.
Childbirth Education One-Day Express In Person (2025)
with Certified Educator

The registration fee includes costs for the registrant and one support person. To avoid duplicate charges, please register only ONE participant per class. A receipt will be provided for insurance reimbursement purposes. Reimbursement is subject to individual insurance plans, refer to your plan for additional information.
If you cannot afford the registration fee due to financial hardship, please contact childbirth education at .
Rescheduling or canceling your class registration can be done by contacting Refunds for class cancelations include a 10% processing fee. No refunds will be given after class begins.
We are offering this class in person. Classes are held at the Dana Center Maine Medical Center, 22 Bramhall Street, Portland. You will receive directions to parking and the classroom once you have registered.
The One-Day Express Course covers all of the same information as the Childbirth Education weekly evening series in one full day.
Recommended for all first-time pregnant people and their birth partners, this class is designed to provide you and your labor partner with the information, skills, and resources to prepare you for the birth of your baby.
- Introduction to Labor & Delivery You can expect to learn the stages and phases of labor, what to expect physically and emotionally, the importance of labor support, and more. You will also see birth videos.
- Practical Skills and Comfort Measures You will learn comfort measures such as relaxation, breathing, and positions that you can use both at home and while at the hospital. Even mothers planning to use medication for pain relief will utilize skills to manage labor prior to and in conjunction with the use of medication.
- Medications and Interventions Be an active participant in the decisions that affect you and your baby. Learn about induction of labor, unplanned cesareans, vacuum, fetal monitoring and more. Whether you are planning on using pain medications, or just want to understand the available options, you will take home the information you need to make informed decisions about pain relief.
We recommend attending this class between the 28th and 32nd week of pregnancy.
Breastfeeding Basics In Person (2025)
with Certified Educator

Registration fee covers the cost of registrant and one support person. Please register only ONE participant for a class so that you will not be charged twice. A receipt will be issued which can be utilized to submit to your insurance company. Reimbursement is dependent upon individual plans, refer to your plan for additional information.
If you cannot afford the registration fee due to financial hardship, please contact childbirth education at
Rescheduling or canceling your class registration can be done by contacting Refunds for class cancelations include a 10% processing fee. No refunds will be given after class begins.
We are offering this class in person. Classes are held at the Dana Center Maine Medical Center, 22 Bramhall Street, Portland. You will receive directions to parking and the classroom once you have registered.
This class covers the benefits of breastfeeding, different breastfeeding techniques and positions, how to make enough milk, and local community and professional resources. Attending this class before your baby’s birth will help you meet your breastfeeding goals.
We recommend attending this class between the 32nd and 36th week of pregnancy.
Baby Basics In Person (2025)
with Certified Educator

The registration fee includes costs for the registrant and one support person. To avoid duplicate charges, please register only ONE participant per class. A receipt will be provided for insurance reimbursement purposes. Reimbursement is subject to individual insurance plans, refer to your plan for additional information.
If you cannot afford the registration fee due to financial hardship, please contact childbirth education at
Rescheduling or canceling your class registration can be done by contacting Refunds for class cancelations include a 10% processing fee. No refunds will be given after class begins.
We are offering this class in person. Classes are held at the Dana Center Maine Medical Center, 22 Bramhall Street, Portland. You will receive directions to parking and the classroom once you have registered.
Expectant first time parents can learn about common newborn needs and behaviors and how to prepare for bringing baby home. This class includes information about how to care for and comfort a newborn, feeding, safe sleep and other ways to keep your baby safe, and tips on how to make this newborn period an easier transition for you.
We recommend attending this class between the 32nd and 36th week of pregnancy.
Grandparents (2025)
with Ellen Kunkle

Registration fee covers the cost of registrant and one support person. Please register only ONE participant for a class so that you will not be charged twice. If you cannot afford the registration fee due to financial hardship, please contact childbirth education at
Rescheduling or canceling your class registration can be done by contacting Refunds for class cancelations include a 10% processing fee. No refunds will be given after class begins.
Things have really changed since you became a parent! This class will cover communication between grandparents and the new parents; how grandparents can help during pregnancy, birth and after baby is born; current guidelines for infant care and infant safety; and ways to bond with your new grandchild.
We recommend attending this class between the 32nd and 36th week of pregnancy.
We are offering this class online. After you are registered, shortly before the class starts you will receive an email with information as to how to participate in the class. Thank you for understanding.