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Preparing the Family
Grandparents (2025)
with Ellen Kunkle
Registration fee covers the cost of registrant and one support person. Please register only ONE participant for a class so that you will not be charged twice. If you cannot afford the registration fee due to financial hardship, please contact childbirth education at
Rescheduling or canceling your class registration can be done by contacting Refunds for class cancelations include a 10% processing fee.
Things have really changed since you became a parent! This class will cover communication between grandparents and the new parents; how grandparents can help during pregnancy, birth and after baby is born; current guidelines for infant care and infant safety; and ways to bond with your new grandchild.
We recommend attending this class between the 32nd and 36th week of pregnancy.
We are offering this class online. After you are registered, shortly before the class starts you will receive an email with information as to how to participate in the class. Thank you for understanding.
Siblings In Person (2025)
with Ellen Kunkle
This class will help children prepare for the special occasion of becoming a big brother or sister. Big brothers and sisters will watch an age-appropriate video and learn to diaper their doll or teddy bear. Siblings will also learn what to expect during parents and baby's hospital stay, what newborn babies look like and act like, and how they can help parents with the new baby.
We recommend attending this class between the 32nd and 36th week of pregnancy.
Classes are held at the Dana Center Maine Medical Center, 22 Bramhall Street, Portland. All class participants should enter through the main entrance and be issued a Visitors badge. You will be directed to the Charles Dana Education Center where the class instructor will be downstairs to meet you.
Parking: Parking is available in the visitors Parking Garage on Congress Street. Parking near the hospital is limited and parking for more than 1 hour may result in a fine.
Boot Camp for New Dads Resource
with Maine Boys to Men
Boot Camp for New Dads is a half-day workshop offered for new or expectant dads and people who identify as fathers. You will explore societal messages we receive about the role of dads and how you and your partner can move beyond these messages to become a team in parenting your baby. You will also have an opportunity to ask veteran dads questions about fussy babies, diapering, etc.
Please contact Maine Boys to Men for more information, dates and registration:
(207) 774-9994